Care Bears Gifts

In the early eighties, something amazing happened. The culture around the world began to focus on caring for one another, despite all of our differences. Suddenly, rainbows stood for more than the peaceful time after a storm. It stood for the beauty of a difference. It stood for the strength of a variety of personalities coming together. All of a sudden caring was key. The question is, what came first the Care Bears or people trying to care for each other more? We aren’t sociologists but we like to think that these little bright bears influenced our world in a big way!
It’s not all about holding hands. Care Bears are truly irresistible with cars made of clouds, rainbow slides, and the pudgy bears that all have their own skills. And while we all wouldn’t mind a vacation on Care-a-lot, sometimes awesome Care Bear gifts will simply have to do instead.
Hopefully, you haven’t given up on receiving your very own belly badge because it can totally happen if you scroll through our catalog. Just look at our Care Bear costumes, for instance. You not only get to choose your favorite Care Bear character, but you also get to choose the style of your costume as well! Want to become Share Bear, the bear that’s great at communication? You can choose from the purple plush jumpsuit or the hoodie and leggings as well. The same goes for all the other bears from Cheer Bear or Wish Bear as well.
We all feel a little like Grumpy Bear every once in a while. We think it’s pretty great that there is a character that celebrates empathy. Care-a-lot might be full of sunshine and rainbows but it’s okay to be skeptical. Do you know someone that connects with Grumpy Bear on a real level? There are plenty of gifts that will make them feel at ease with their skeptical persona. Take, for example, the fuzzy Grumpy Bear slippers. They are perfect for slipping on after a long Monday at work or school. Or maybe you know someone who might want to take that feeling to work. They might not want to carry their papers in our adorable Grumpy Bear backpack (though it’s great for grade school kids and fun going out bags) but the office can be a lot of fun when they bring in a Grumpy Bear mug or Pop vinyl figure.
These gifts are awesome for anyone who’s a fan of Care Bears whether they started watching the original Care Bears crew in the eighties or they restarted their interest in the most recent bout of nostalgia. And gifts don’t have to be limited to birthdays or holidays. The Love-A-Lot Bear Pop vinyl is a sweet gift for Valentine's Day. Going to a child’s birthday party? Share that nostalgic feeling you have for the Care Bears with the Care Bears five-piece meal set! They’ll feel cheerful while finishing off their peas and carrots on the colorful group.
We’ll always be happy that the original Care Bears are still around, keeping things peaceful and happy. You’ll love spreading the Care Bear love (just like the Love-A-Lot Care Bear) with our wide variety of Care Bear gifts. And hey, if you want to buy these Care Bear gifts for yourself, we won’t blame you, especially if you’re walking around singing the Care Bear countdown in one of our awesome Care Bear suits!